About Me.
Our church is strong in its support to missions locally and around the world. A world Mission Conference is held each year to inform, inspire, and involve our people in world missions. At the conference, missionaries report on their work, share the needs of their field, and proclaim the World of God. Our 49th Annual World Missions Conference will be held November 9-11, 2025.
Below are the missionary families, ministries, and organizations that Trinity supports.
National Missionaries
Pokot Orphanage/Child Care (Kenya) Educators & Church Planters (Kenya)
Harvesters International
Bill Villanueva
Evangelist (Mexico)
Bill Villanueva Ministries
Gerard & Ann Chalvet
Christian Missions in Many Lands
House Church Pastors
Pastors (China)
FengShan Orphanage
Child Care (China)
Church Planting (Indonesia)
Hanni Hannah
Educational Ministries (Egypt)
Training National Pastors (Middle East)
Equipping Nationals (Lexington, NC)
American Missionaries
Dr. Paul & Kathy Holritz
Mark & Charity Borisuk
Training Nationals (South Asia)
Assoc. of Baptist for World Evangelism
Adam & Faith Drake
(Togo, West Africa)
Assoc. of Baptist for World Evangelism
Robert & Dr. Pricilla Carpenter
Medical (Pakistan)
The Friends of Israel
Local Missionaries
Crisis Counseling & Fundraising (New River Valley, VA)
Dr. Daniel Anderson
Education (Beckley, WV)
Mitch & Jodi Reed
Sports Ministry (New River Valley, VA)
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Anthony & Catherine Shegog
Sports Ministry (New River Valley, VA)
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Bob & Sandra Jackson
Outreach to international students at Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, VA)
International Students Inc.
Child Care (Hillsville, VA)
Albuquerque NM